Minggu, 28 Oktober 2018

Passive Voice

Gin and tonic prevented malaria

Malaria is a pretty terrible disease. Caused by a small parasite delivered by an infected mosquito, it causes fever, chills, and sometimes death. As the British empire sent its emissaries out to conquer the world, the potential perils of malaria were naturally top of mind. Fortunately, by the turn of the 19th century, people had figured out that quinine protected against the infection.
But there was one problem: Quinine, which is derived from cinchona bark, tastes really gross. So the Brits started mixing it with soda and sugar, which is how we got tonic water. Eventually, the colonists got even more clever about their spoonful of sugar, mixing the sweetened medicine with gin and a little lime. And that’s how homemade medicine gave us Jay Gatsby’s favorite drink: the gin and tonic.

Source : https://www.popsci.com/coca-cola-lysol-kotex-medicinal-origins#page-5

Minggu, 07 Oktober 2018

Analytical Exposition Text ‘The Greatest of Holy Quran’

The Greatest of Holy Quran

Quran is the last kitab of Allah SWT that carrying the message for all mankind. Quran is a miracle from Allah that give us relaxed feeling and strong Iman. Quran is shares their creator’s feeling to all of his creatures.

In Quran, you will get strong feeling and great feeling of reading this kitab everyday because you are being taught of the truth about all of the universe with humankind. Nowaday, Quran in the only book which is memorized by millions of moeslem.

Additionally, the drink, the best food to eat, the best month or night are mentioned in Quran. I think all of that was mentioned in Quran is protect and prevent us to all bad things in this life.

Last but not least, when moeslem open up Quran and start reading it, you’ll find many guided by inspiration that brings you to great and amazing things.

Reading Quran is really good for our life and conscience. It is bring us to good things, although not all people read Quran even when they’re moeslem.


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